Worm Breeder's Gazette 8(2): 21

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lin-32 is Required During Embryonic Neurogenesis

C. Kenyon and E. Hedgecock

Figure 1

lin-32(e1926) alters two aspects of embryonic neurogenesis.  First, 
it changes the timing of the Q/V5 division.  Second, it alters the 
differentiation of multiple sensory neurons.
Q/V5 normally divides before hatching.  However, in lin-32(e1926) 
animals the Q/V5 division is delayed, and occurs in the L1 just prior 
to the seam divisions.  Q becomes a hypodermal cell that usually fuses 
with hyp-7 (see preceding note).
This temporal shift appears to bring Q/V5 into the domain of the 
postembryonic heterochronic genes.  At 25 C, the lin-14(n179) mutation 
causes the precocious expression of S2 lineage patterns during the L1 (
V.  Ambros; see Newsletter. Vol. 6, No. 1).  In lin- 32(e1926);lin-14(
n179) double mutants, V(1-4,6) and Q/V5 behave identically, each 
expressing lineage patterns characteristic of V(1-4,6) in wild type L2 
animals (see figure).  Apparently, the Q/V5 seam cell itself (and not 
V5 its daughter) is now instructed to undergo the developmental 
sequence characteristic of S2 seam cells.
The observation that e1926 delays the Q/V5 division raises the 
possibility that Q becomes a hypodermal cell instead of a neuroblast 
in the mutant because it is born at the wrong time.  If the delayed 
division were responsible for the change in cell fate, then in e1926 
the V5.p division (which generates a V5.pa seam cell instead of a 
postdeirid neuroblast) should also be delayed.  However, we do not 
detect a consistent difference in the time of the V5.p division in 
e1926 animals compared to wild type.  Thus delayed cell divisions per 
se cannot account for the conversion of neuroblasts into hypodermal 
cells in lin-32(e1926) mutants.
The lin-32(e1926) mutation also alters the fates of certain sensory 
neurons produced during embryogenesis.  The ALM cell body is does not 
complete its migration, and so is displaced anteriorly (its anterior 
process can run subdorsally or sublaterally).  We are often unable to 
locate the male dorsal cephalic companion (CEMD) nuclei with Nomarski. 
The deirid neurons (ADE) and dorsal cephalic neurons (CEPD) are often 
undetectable in animals stained by FIF (Sulston and Kenyon).  
Additional sensory processes were found to be missing when the 
anterior sensilla of an adult male were examined by EM (with the help 
of Nichol Thomson.  Eileen Southgate, and John White).  These included 
certain IL1, IL2, OLL, CEP, CEM,  BAG and FLP neurons.  (The amphids 
appear to be normal.)  In addition, e1926 animals often have a slight 
Notch phenotype.
To determine whether the cell lineages generating the altered 
neurons were aberrant, we followed the lineages generated by AB.
arpapaa.  This cell normally produces both CEMDR and CEPDR neurons 
both of which are apparently absent in lin-32(e1926) animals.  In each 
of 12 animals, CEMDR was produced normally (one of these was a male 
and, by Nomarski criteria, apparently lacked the CEMD nuclei).  
However the division that would normally generate CEPDR was either 
absent or substantially delayed in several animals.  The observation 
that at least some altered neurons (CEMDR) are generated by a normal 
sequence of divisions suggests that lin-32 is necessary for aspects of 
neurogenesis that do not involve cell divisions.
We are postponing further embryonic lineage analysis until the lin-
32 null phenotype is determined (the frequency of animals with altered 
embryonic neurons increases in lin-32(e1926)/eDf17 deficiency 
heterozygotes).  To date, 4000 chromosomes have been examined in 
complementation screens, but no new alleles have been isolated.
[see Figure 1]

Figure 1