Worm Breeder's Gazette 6(1): 9

These abstracts should not be cited in bibliographies. Material contained herein should be treated as personal communication and should be cited as such only with the consent of the author.

Meeting Announcement

S. Ward, R. Herman, R. Horvitz, G. von Ehrenstein

You are cordially invited to attend the Third International C.  
elegans Meeting, which will be held at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.  
The meeting will begin on Wednesday evening, May 6, and finish after 
lunch on Sunday, May 10.
Abstracts will be published in a booklet to be distributed at the 
time of the meeting.  A fraction of the submitted abstracts will be 
scheduled for oral presentation, and the rest will be scheduled for 
poster sessions.  Please indicate when you submit an abstract, whether 
or not you would be willing to participate in a poster session.  We 
suggest a limit of one oral presentation per subject per laboratory.  
Abstracts are to be submitted to Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, and 
the deadline for submission of abstracts is March 2, 1981.
We are receiving funds that will allow us to cover at least 
partially the travel and/or subsistence expenses of the meeting for a 
limited number of people who could not otherwise attend.  We suggest 
that you first investigate local sources of support for your expenses. 
Applications for support are to be submitted to Cold Spring Harbor 
Laboratory and should include the following information:  How much 
money is requested and for what and what contributions will be made to 
the meeting or what benefits to the individual will be derived from 
attendance.   Some of our funds are reserved for young postdoctoral 
fellows and graduate students, and submission of an abstract is not a 
prerequisite for support.  The deadline for application for support is 
March 2, 1981.
Please contact Gladys Kist, Meetings Secretary, Cold Spring Harbor 
Laboratory, P. O. Box 100, Cold Spring Harbor, New York   11724, for 
information concerning registration fees, registration forms, abstract 
forms and instructions for preparing abstracts.
We hope to see you at Cold Spring 
Organizing Committee:   S. Ward, R. Herman, R. Horvitz, G. von