Worm Breeder's Gazette 11(2): 77

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Preliminary Consensus for Translation Initiation in C. elegans

Marc D. Perry, Gerald H. Hertz and W.B. Wood

Figure 1

The C.  elegans DNA sequence database is growing large enough to 
permit preliminary compilations and predictions which should be useful 
for analyzing new sequences.  We extracted the DNA sequence flanking 
the ATG initiation codons from 54 C.  elegans genes (34 were available 
in GenBank (Release 61.0)); after alignment they formed the matrix 
shown below, which yielded the consensus (A/c)A(a/c)(A/C)ATG (lower 
case implies weakly conserved).  While this is obviously a small 
sample size the result is significantly different from the vertebrate 
consensus derived by Kozak(1) (N=699).  The total information content 
in these two matrices(2, 3) differs by 1 bit (C.  elegans ~7.6 bits (
genome=36% G+C), vertebrates ~8.6 bits (genome=40% G+C)), although the 
distributions are roughly homologous (see graph below; baseline ~0.06 
bits).  Because random sequences will contain many spurious homologies 
this consensus will be most useful for evaluating suspected initiation 
The following sequences were used to generate the C.  elegans 
matrix: act-1, act-3, ama-1, 
cal-1, col-2, 
col-7, col-14, 
deb-1, pd-2, gpd-3, gpd-4,
glp-1, gyt-1, his-1, his-3, his-9, his-10, hts-11, hts-12, hsp-1, 
hsp-6, hsp16-1, hsp16-2, hsp16-41, hsp16-48, mec-3,
lin-12,  msp-74, 
myo-1, myo-3, 
unc-54, vit-2, 
vit-5, al msp sequences 
were not incorporated.  If you are interested in increasing the 
utility of this 'ribosome binding site' (RBS) consensus please send us 
your sequences and we will incorporate them into the matrix and 
redistribute the results.
[See Figure 1]

Figure 1